How to hire us:
If you’d like to become a client, our preferred way to hear from you is by email at info(at)
In the email, please include the names of everyone involved in your matter so that we can confirm that we do not have any conflicts of interest.
For example, if you’re contacting us about a separation or divorce, we would need:
– Your full name;
– Your ex’s full name;
– The names of your children (if any); and
– The names of any new spouses.
Please do not send us any other information about your matter until we have confirmed that we do not have a conflict of interest.
If you cannot use email, then you can call us at 250-383-2727.
At present, we only handle files requiring us to appear in court at the Smithers Court Registry.
How much we cost:
Our current rate is $250 an hour for our time, plus PST and GST. Here’s how that works:
– Our fees are calculated based on the time we spend working on your file. This includes receiving and sending emails, talking to you on the telephone, and making notes.
– We charge for every six minute increment or part thereof. For example, if we spend 32 minutes working on your file, we will charge you for 0.6 of an hour.
We also charge for expenses we incur on your behalf (also called disbursements), such as postage, court fees, or process server fees.
We ask for a retainer before we begin work. The retainer is held in our trust account until we send you a bill. We return any remaining balance from your retainer once we have finished our work for you.
We generally ask for a retainer of $1,000 to $5,000 before starting work, depending on your circumstances.
We will ask for a larger retainer if you have court dates scheduled.